Reflections – The Talk

We All Need to Talk About It

Contact me here for a talk on life and death


The talk is aimed to anyone who has ever been a caregiver, to people with terminal illness, and to all healthcare professionals. Reflections is based on the book with the same name and is about hope, healing, facing fears, coming to acceptance and living with a purpose until the very end.


The book Reflections is written from my husband’s perspective as a palliative patient, and from my point of view as a wife, caregiver and therapist. 


Although the book is about terminal cancer, the topic is something we all will be facing one day. Learning how to deal with life and death can make all the difference in the grieving process.


In the lecture I want to highlight:
  • importance of open communication
  • having that difficult conversation
  • healing happens on many different levels
  • dare to talk about death
  • facing fears
  • holding space for someone
  • living to the last breath
  • being a caregiver

As a complimentary gift, the Support book to Reflections can be downloaded from here


You are welcome to contact me and I will send you my speaker kit.